FreshAddress presented with Chapman Cubine Adams +Hussey (CCAH), the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) on a panel teaching nonprofit organizations how to leverage their email list during the Direct Marketing Association Nonprofit Federation (DMANF) NY Nonprofit Conference.
Panelists included Brenna Holmes, VP of Digital, Interactive Department, CCAH, Emily Stevenson, Online Fundraising Manager at EDF, and Nick Ellinger,Vice President of Strategic Outreach at MADD. Lori Collins, Director of the Nonprofit Group at FreshAddress, moderated the panel. All three panelists have used FreshAddress’s services to help them engage with their donors through email, and were thrilled to share their knowledge with the audience at the DMANF NY Nonprofit Conference.
Nick Ellinger, MADD, said, “Email allows you to learn (both globally and about individual constituents) inexpensively. You can find out why someone is donating to an organization and customize treatments to that individual easily. Moreover, you can also learn what messaging works best for your email list and use that to drive more expensive communications efforts like direct mail and telemarketing.”
Brenna Holmes, CCAH, added, “Even experienced digital veterans told me they learned new tricks and wrote down a whole bunch of test ideas!”
Many nonprofit organizations are unaware of the email database tools that can help them increase donations, reach donors on a multichannel level, and expand the demographic beyond current donors.
“Email is quick. It allows you to reach your constituents instantly, sending updates and fundraising requests as events unfold in near real-time. But email addresses change just as quickly, and inboxes are more crowded than most mailboxes, making email hygiene and savvy marketing techniques more critical than ever,” said Emily Stevenson, EDF. Nely Bonar