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Category: Press Releases

Oct 30
Event: 5 keys to improve your email marketing campaign conversions

Antwerp: November 5th 2013 (in Dutch) with Tamara Gielen London: November 19th 2013 with Kath Pay In this half-day event you will discover the 5 reasons why your email marketing campaigns do not produce the desired response and how to fix them.  Through examples and case studies, you will discover where most mistakes are made ??and how they can be avoided. What […]

Oct 07
Charity focused Affinity Email Marketing

Whether there are dozens or hundreds, the email messages that arrive daily in your inbox vie for a share of your time and attention.  Because of persistent issues with spam, messages face continued scrutiny.  In order to appeal to subscribers, messages must be authentic, carefully crafted with a specific purpose in mind.  The question is, what kinds of […]

Feb 10
Inbox Reserve Part I: How Email must Reverse Engineer Social

Sharing a good bottle of wine with friends is simply a much richer experience than consuming one alone. Additionally, a mutual appreciation for the same types of wines you and your friends consume creates a far more substantial sharing experience. In this two part series, I’ll explore why mutual associations with brands will dramatically increase […]

Dec 15
Mission control for subscribers: the preference center

The preference center is a highly intriguing, untapped resource for Email Marketers and could be used in a variety of ways.  It has the potential to establish critical ground rules with both newfound and dormant subscribers.  When subscribers are awarded mission control to continuously manage their preferences, the amount of information that marketers can glean […]

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