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Celebrating a Milestone – The Successful Exit and Inaugural US Inbox Expo

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Today I would like to celebrate the success of the first Inbox Expo in the USA. In the highly competitive landscape of events, communities and email marketing, staying ahead often involves a mix of innovative ideas, strategic growth, and timely exits. This combination was at the heart of our journey with Inbox Expo, an email marketing conference that we nurtured for four years before making a strategic exit one year ago.

Today, we are thrilled to share the story of Inbox Expo’s successful transition under new ownership and its inaugural US show, which was a sellout event garnering significant interest across social media channels, huge round of applause to the team at Email Industries for pulling it off.

The Inception and Growth of Inbox Expo

Initially conceived to launch the revamped website, Inbox Expo was planned to take place on March 18, 2020, at the Design Museum in London. However, the global pandemic forced us to rethink our strategy and pivot at extremely short notice to an online format. We became pioneers in hosting mega online events for the email community, utilising the Hopin platform to create an engaging and interactive virtual experience.

The transition again from virtual events to becoming in person/hybrid was challenging yet rewarding. When we held our 2021 event, we faced the intricate task of organising a socially distanced conference. Nearly 60 people gathered in person, with all networking taking place outdoors and every delegate having their own desk in the main conference area, spaced meters apart. The 5-star Las Arenas venue on the beach turned out to be the perfect host, offering the right blend of safety and grandeur.

Over the years, Inbox Expo grew in size and reputation. We started with 60 attendees and gradually increased to over 170 in-person participants. Our hybrid events often attracted more than 1,000 online delegates. A highlight was receiving an endorsement from Steve Wozniak of Apple, underscoring the event’s rising prominence.

The Decision to Exit

The decision to sell Inbox Expo was far from easy. While the event had become a leading event for email marketing professionals, we recognised that its potential for growth—especially in the United States —was beyond our immediate reach. Furthermore, Inbox Expo, although profitable, demanded significant resources from the emailexpert organisation, resources we needed to fulfil our broader mission.

Interest in Inbox Expo was substantial, but we ultimately chose to sell to Email Industries. We were familiar with their team and were confident in their ability to take good care of the event. Importantly, they had no desire to hinder our ongoing efforts to support the email community and host other events.

The Transition and Inaugural US Show

We wanted to offer a seamless transition, and were heavily invested in a succesful and seamless transfer to the new owners, as such we continued to provide advice and support up until the first US show. From helping identify a suitable venue to advising on speaker selection, content, and marketing strategies, we ensured a smooth handover. I had the honour of making opening remarks virtually at the inaugural US event, a moment that underscored the successful continuation of our vision.

The inaugural US show was a monumental success, selling out quickly and generating considerable buzz on social media. Several factors contributed to this achievement, including the outstanding reputation of preceding events, the strength of the Inbox Expo email list, and the effective marketing plans we had developed over the years. Of course pivotal to the success was the incredible team at Email Industries who took on the project with professionalism and enthusiasm ensuring a successful first event.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on this milestone, we remain committed to our core mission at emailexpert: fostering a thriving community, offering education and incubating innovative ideas. The sale of Inbox Expo provided us with revenue needed to cover our operational expenses and liabilities over the past twelve months and placed us in a strong position to tackle the challenges of 2024/25.

The journey of Inbox Expo is a testament to what can be achieved with a blend of creativity, strategic planning, and adaptability. We look forward to continuing to support and grow the email community, offering platforms and opportunities for learning, networking, and growth.


The story of Inbox Expo’s successful exit and its remarkable inaugural US show is a chapter we are incredibly proud of. It serves as an inspiration for entrepreneurs and organizations alike, demonstrating the power of strategic exits and the importance of continuous support and innovation in driving success.

We thank everyone who has been part of this journey and look forward to many more such endeavors in the exciting world of email and marketing as we pursue our visions with Deliverability Summit, Martech Festival, The Festival of Email and Festians communities.

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