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What is email marketing automation?

Email Marketing Automations are the key to getting your business working for you – not you working for your business.

An Email Marketing Automation Provider (often referred to as an ESP) is the platform that allows automated marketing emails to be deployed.

Email Marketing Automation is the backbone of any growing business, no matter the industry. Why? Marketing automations take the guesswork out of your customer journey, freeing you and your staff up from repetitive administrative tasks by automating emails and customer flows.

Automations can be set up for any point in the sales cycle:

Depending on the size of your organisation, number of clients, products services and other factors will dictate the amount of time and effort required to implement an effective automated marketing strategy. Defining goals and targets will allow you to measure your success as you go along your journey and figure your R.O.I on investment after time. For many small business after spending just a few hours setting up their email marketing automations ensures those business will be at a whole new level.

Better systems = better results, but it is not one-size-fits-all which is why it is critically important you have a thought out and considered email marketing automation vendor selection process. Email marketing automations done well can be:

Email Marketing automations can be set up so that each potential customer gets the content that is most likely to make them convert 

Boring emails do not get clicks. Your emails need to stand out from the crowd in your customer’s inbox, from the subject line all the way through.

One of the best thing about email marketing automations is that metrics are collected at each send, allowing you to optimise your marketing funnel to get more conversions and greater profits.