Speaker/s name
Jeanne Jennings, Kath Pay, Matthew Vernhout, LoriBeth Blair, Dr. Matthew Dunn and others
Jeanne Jennings, Kath Pay, Matthew Vernhout, LoriBeth Blair, Dr. Matthew Dunn and others
An Informal discussion anything about Email
Jeanne Jennings, General Manager, Only Influencers
Kath Pay, Thought Leader of the Year, ANA Email Experience Council & Founder, Holistic Email Marketing
Matthew Vernhout, VP, Deliverability North America, Netcore Cloud
LoriBeth Blair, Founder, Platonic Ideal
Dr. Matthew Dunn, Founder/CEO, Campaign Genius
Andrew Bonar, Co-founder, emailexpert
Najmah Salam, Email Marketing Manager, Filtered
Jon May, Email Marketing, The R.A.C
Radek Kaczynski, CEO & Founder, Bouncer
Full transcript coming soon. In the interim please use the closed captions.