DATAMEDIA is a leading email marketing consultancy focused on email deliverability and data quality.
If you are in marketing, chances are you’re probably spending days optimizing your landing pages, pricing models, and email marketing program to attract a targeted audience to your list.
However, the problem with this approach is the '"Leaky Bucket Syndrome" (let's call it LBS).
LBS occurs when you've ignored the importance of email deliverability in your entire lead generation and promotion cycle.
Email deliverability is that boring "techie" process most of you, I'm sure, have filed under "our email service provider (ESP) does all that."
But here's the thing: they don't.
Yes, they'll set you up with all the technical nuts and bolts to send your email marketing, but they don't optimize.
So, while you're busy perfecting high-converting campaigns to pull in more subscribers, or to sell more, your poorly optimized approach to email deliverability is suffering from LBS.
Leads pour in the top of your funnel and then drain straight out the bottom of the bucket. It's not the right way to run any business, let alone a business that depends on eCommerce.
How do you fix the Leaky Bucket Syndrome?
Like mixing music, there are many levers you need to adjust to increase the chances of your emails getting your target audience.
Ignoring email deliverability costs you a lot of money and forces you to work longer and harder than necessary, making efforts to attract more leads that you soon pour through the holes created by the LBS.
If you want to learn more about LBS, and a simple process we've created for discovering, measuring, and closing the holes in your "leaky email bucket," please reach out.
Tel Aviv District, Israel